
Welcome, friend!

Here is the place that I will be sharing whatever is nourishing or inspiring or challenging me of late. Watch here for new recipes, travel stories, or my general musings on what it takes to be a human being. I hope you find some motivation, comfort, laughs - or whatever you need - from it. Thank you for being here, I am so grateful for you!

Top Posts

Dear You

Read my letter to you, my reader, about who I am, why I've started this blog and business, and what I aim to do! Click here.

Farm Fridays!

Friday's are for the farm. Click here to read about what we were planting, and a real-life lesson of just how "shitty" life can be.

No Waste Pasta Sauce

Click here to read about my feelings on food waste, and for an example of what I'm doing to decrease what I send to compost!

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Watch below for highlights, then click the button to read the blog post!